
Cost of Quality: The balance between the quality of the provided service and the required costs to provide it


Cost of Quality: The balance between the quality of the provided service and the required costs to provide it


Quality systems are often blamed for draining institutional resource(financial, human, etc.) to develop a product or service with standards higher than the required, which unjustifiably exceeds the customers expectations and operational requirements.

Therefore, international organizations seek to adopt and update quality management specifications and standards (including the ISO ) to develop organizations’ management systems, in order to support them to oprimize cost vs qulaity, which is a goal that could be achieved through the implementation of various continuous improvement theories.

Therefore, to reach this balance, institutions shall separate the tasks and responsibilities in their management systems into 4 sections: (quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, and continuous improvement and development). And we will address the tasks of each section separately, as following:

1) Quality Planning:

In this section, the organization’s vision and policy are translated into measurable goals, programs and indicators at the strategic and operational levels, and initiatives and projects aimed at achieving these goals and targets , in addition to defining mechanisms to measure and monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of these initiatives and projects through performance indicators that are measured at various stages of plans implementation.

2) Quality Assurance:

aims to develop the processes, procedures and policies associated with them, including all the stages of service and product provision, so that deliverables ( services or products) are ensured to be at the same standards and costs every time

3) Quality Control:

The Quality Control section(which is the technical arm of the quality management system) seeks to ensure the specifications of the service or product is delivered at the lowest possible costs, by conducting and carrying out tests in the various stages of production and service provision, and by dealing with any deviations in early stages, and by ensuring that they are not repeated, so that Eliminate (or reduce as much as possible) the possibility that a non-compliant service will be provided, or that resources will be needlessly drained to provide it.

4) Continuous Improvement:

This section exploits strengths, opportunities for improvement and noncoformities, and invests them in the continuous development of the organization, and enhances its ability to meet the requirements of customers and stakeholders at the lowest possible costs, through development in operations, infrastructure, resources, and others

khalid Al TatanchiCost of Quality: The balance between the quality of the provided service and the required costs to provide it

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  • Ahkam Al Taee

    Engr.Ahkam Al Taee - July 17, 2021

    It is a nice subject, unfortunately some times the quality is affected due to feeling and mode of persons.

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